01722743270   G4RLF

Vintage Communication Equipment Preservation



My home town of Salisbury has strong historic links with the birth of Radio communications. This has instilled in me a passion to promote, educated and preserve all aspects of radio communications, for future generations.

The Radio  spectrum now plays a vital role in everyone's lives, yet the general public have little concept of the ether and Radio' history.

In a small way through lectures and public demonstrations we can try and educate the younger generation of the importance of radio and its history.

Increasingly our radio's heritage is being lost with every Silent Key. Britain's Radio industry once dominated the world and sadly much of the equipment, components, valves, documentation is being lost to landfill.

In my early 50's I am probably one of the last generations, who has the ability to appreciate, value and be able to renovate Thermionic equipment. I have met so many collectors, who's passion is just to have racks of equipment, which will never see the light of day. 
My aim is to restore a limited amount of equipment to working order and actively demonstrate them to the public.


With limited space I have to narrowed my interest to Pre-War and Wartime Communications Equipment, accessories and ephemera.

Unfortunately with the majority of Pre War Amateurs now being silent keys, it is increasingly difficult to preserve, ephemera, equipment and components from this era.

However Britain's Wartime's radio heritage is of equal interest. 

There is still great interest in WW2 radio equipment for static display, by military enthusiast, but few have the ability to  restore the units to operating condition. 

Much of the equipment is very challenging to restore, as many of the components are now over 70 Years old. Inevitably Parts are often missing, Valves soft, Capacitors are leaky, so often  donor units are needed to complete a working example.  

Of particular interest to me are: 
Accessories, Cables, Connector and Paperwork, as these are of little value and often discarded, but are essential to complete a working restoration.  So any item with a Broad Arrow or AM mark is probably of interest.

My motives are not for financial gain, but for the enjoyment of preservation, renovation and public demonstration.

When funds permit, I can hopefully offer a realistic amount for the rescue of small collections, worthy of preservations. 

Inevitable due to limited space, I may need to recycle some items to like minded enthusiasts, in an attempt to broaden the amount of working equipment which is preserved for the future.

I am particularly looking for:


Photo's Advertising, Handbooks, Circuits, Documentation and QSL Cards.


Any Spark Transmitting equipment and Accessories, Early Amateur Valve equipment

Vintage, British manufactured Valves, Inductors, Capacitors, Connectors and original packaging.

Wartime, Radio/Radar equipment Whole or Part dismantled.

Wartime Accessories, Cables, Connectors, Components

Post War, Valved Amateur radio equipment requiring restoration.

I hold a reasonable Archive and Knowledge of WW2 Radio equipment, also Amateur equipment up to 1980, so if I can be of any technical assistance please do hesitate to contact me.

If you have anything from a complete clear out, to a single item, please do not hesitate to contact me.



73 de Martyn

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